Wheel/Rail Contact - Adhesion & Track Circuit Compatibility
Technical Know-how Based on 30 Years' Experience.
Wheel/Rail Contact - Adhesion & Track Circuit Compatibility
In the case of railway tread braking, one of the most important parameters is the effect that a brake block could have on the interaction between wheel and rail.
A poor choice of brake block could adversely affect:
- The required adhesion between wheel and rail. This, in turn, could lead to wheel slide and flat spot on the wheel and withdrawal of the vehicle from service.
- The track circuit and signalling system. This, in turn, could lead to false occupancy readings in the signalling system and severe disruption to railway operations.
- The wheel / rail profile matching. A change in wheel profile could result in a mismatch with rail profile which in turn, could reduce the vehicle’s riding stability.
To avoid any operational issues, these parameters should also be part of design considerations at the start of a brake block product development programme and be addressed through formulation design.
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